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R&S®TS-ISC In-System Calibration Kit
Категория - Модульные приборы
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On-site calibration solution for R&S®Key Facts
- Create calibration data on the factory floor
- Calibrate and adjust all modular instruments of your R&S®CompactTSVP test system
- Fulfill your in-house periodic calibration schedules independently
- Full range of calibration sequences
- Calibration kit includes Rohde & Schwarz test management software G5 factory calibration tool
Brief Description The R&S®TS-ISC in-system calibration kit contains the fundamental tools for calibrating all modular instruments available for the R&S®CompactTSVP product family. The most important benefit for systems deployed on the factory floor is that all modules that must be calibrated may remain in the instrument chassis slots.
Features & Benefits
- Efficient operation through measurements on the factory floor
- Create calibration data without changing your test system configuration
- Modular instrumentation cards can remain in the R&S®CompactTSVP chassis, no need to extract the modules for calibration
- High availability and reliable measurements
- R&S®TS-ISC hardware and software kit provides full range of calibration procedures
- Highly accurate digital multimeter (8? digits) is remotely controlled by the calibration software
- Calibration test results can be saved and transferred to protocols
- Software creates calibration data files automatically
- Regular in-system calibration can lead to major improvements of the long-term stabilitiy of the R&S®CompactTSVP test and measurement modules
- Fulfill your in-house periodic calibration schedules independently
- Adjust all modular instruments of your R&S®Compact TSVP test system if needed
- Store your calibration data for documentation as well as for references and certificates
- In-system calibration can significantly reduce the overall life cycle costs of test systems based on R&S®CompactTSVP platform technology
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