
Подшипники из инновационных высокоэффективных пластмасс и полимеров, срок службы которых легко рассчитать, помогают клиентам компании igus, основанной в 1964 году в г. Кельн, Германия, повысить эффективность своей работы и сократить операционные расходы. Производственные мощности компании, на которых производятся как стандартные промышленные подшипники, так и подшипники по индивидуальным техническим заданиям, расположены в штате Род-Айленд, США.1. Optimised opening system for fast opening of the crossbars, either from the left or right 2. Glide surfaces on the side for side-mounted operation 3. Semi-enclosed e-tube Series 3450 4. Proven and-tested mounting bracket 5. Series 3400 and 3450 snap-open along inner radius 6. Strain relief can be integrated in the mounting bracket 7. Double stop system for long unsupported lengths 8. High holding force of the crossbars 9. Enclosed e-tube Series 3480 10. Flexible modular interior separation system 11. Easy assembly due to optimised pins 12. Also available as ESD version 13. Strain relief separator - Separator with integrated strain relief Available inner widths Bi: 50 to 250 mm Available bend radii R: 75 to 300 mm Pitch: 67 mm/link = 15 links/mSeries 3500 is suitable for the following types of applications: Vertical: hanging applications ? 80 m, standing applications ? 3,0 m horizontal: unsupported applications ? 3 m, gliding applications ? 150 m rotary motions: rotating applications possible, may require machining (machining rework is always required from rotation angles of 180°) When to use Series 3500
  • When a medium-sized, strong system (e-chains®, half e-tubes, completely enclosed e-tubes) with 45 mm inner height is required
  • If an inner width up to 250 mm is required
  • For unsupported lengths up to 3,0 m and fill weights up to 13 kg/m
  • If an opening system is required to quickly open from either the left or right
When not to use Series 3500
  • If max. stability is required System E4.1, Series E4.42
  • For very easy applications easy chain®, E300